Infographic on 2015 Travel Trends
April 17, 2015
Press Releases
Leading airport concessionaire Hudson Group recently created an Infographic to highlight 2015 travel trends. Among the findings, millenials (73 million U.S. adults ages 18-34) are reported to travel more than any other age group.
They are also the most digitally native generation so it’s a great opportunity for the travel community to utilize new technologies and media platforms to connect with them, such as social media, smartphones, iPads, apps, websites, blogs.
As compared with other age groups, millenials are also reported to be more “deal-conscious,” intend to take more vacations, and are more “spontaneous”—as seen in Hotwire’s 2014 American Travel Behavior Survey.
Additionally, Census Bureau statistics find that millenials are more educated, more likely to be foreign born and speak a language other than English at home; more live in poverty, with lower rates of employment.