Who owns and operates the airport?
The City of Cleveland owns and operates Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) and Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport (BKL). Both airports comprise the Cleveland Airport System. The airports are operated in accordance with all FAA regulations.
How many people work at the airport?
There are approximately 9,000 on-airport jobs. The Cleveland Airport System directly employs approximately 400 employees at the airports.
How is the airport funded?
The Cleveland Airport System is an enterprise fund of the City of Cleveland, meaning that it is a self-sustaining operation. As such, all revenues earned by the airport must be spent solely for airport purposes. No local tax dollars are used to fund any projects or operations at the airport. The airport is funded by non-aviation related revenues (i.e., concessions and parking), aviation revenues (i.e., rents and landing fees), and federal grants. The airport has an annual operating budget of approximately $129 million.
How often does bad weather close the airport?
CLE rarely closes due to inclement weather conditions, in large part due to the efforts of the supurb snow removal team. During February 2005 (the worst winter in Cleveland history), CLE had the best on-time departure rate of any airport located in the continental United States. Passengers are always advised to contact their airline in the event of inclement weather.
When was the airport established?
CLE began operations in July of 1925 as the first municipal airport in the United States. The airport was officially named Cleveland Hopkins Airport after founder William R. Hopkins on his 82nd birthday, July 26, 1951. In 1964, CLE received its current name of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, reflecting international aspirations and operations to Canada since 1946.
Who provides security at the screening checkpoints at CLE?
As with other airports in the United States, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is mandated to provide security at the checkpoints. CLE is served by a Cleveland Police Department detail that is responsible for public safety throughout the airport.
Media Tips
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) and Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport (BKL) personnel will provide members of the media with all possible cooperation at both facilities. During emergency operations, news media coverage will be accommodated as public safety permits.
When coming to the airport for non-emergency purposes, please contact the Media Relations Office at 216.265.6164 between 8:00AM and 5:00PM (EST). After 5:00PM, please call 216.857.1857. When media coverage involves a specific airline, please contact that airline directly.
All media vehicles must be marked and parked in media parking lot adjacent to the Smart Parking Garage. Any unattended vehicles parked on the roadways will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense in accordance with airport security policies.
Representatives of the media are required to display affiliate identification at all times.
Routine Media Access & Procedures
CLE welcomes media coverage and therefore provides as much media access to the airport as is possible within the parameters of the airport’s security restrictions, which are mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Under normal security conditions, media partners have access to all public areas of the airport. Public areas include portions of the terminal, baggage claim, and parking garages open to the public. It is recommended, as a courtesy, that media representatives contact the Communications Manager prior to coming to the airport.
Please note that media must observe restricted filming around checkpoint areas as determined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Further, each airline has its own policy concerning media coverage—it is recommended that media contact the corporate office of that airline or agency to obtain media information.
Live News Reports
Live news reports are permitted at CLE, but are limited to public areas unless permission granted ahead of time. Location of the live shots must not impede on Airport operations. Broadcast vans and all other news vehicles should be parked in the media parking lot adjacent to the Smart Parking Garage. Proper media identification should be displayed on vehicles at all times. Any other parking locations will be considered only upon prior approval, which can be requested through the Airport’s Media Relations Office.
Access to Airfield / Ramp Areas
In consideration of the extremely busy nature of airport operations and the understandable emphasis on airline safety and security, access to restricted areas of the airport and airfield including all ramp areas, is provided only under limited circumstances.
Special Modifications During Heightened Security Conditions
When enhanced security procedures are mandated by either the FAA or TSA, there may be certain additional restrictions on media access. Those restrictions will remain in effect until modified by the issuing agency.