Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) is committed to providing a variety of services and accessibility options for travelers with access and reduced mobility needs. All of our customers shall experience fair and equitable treatment and top-notch services at CLE.
Wheelchair Assistance
Travelers who are in need of wheelchair assistance may arrange this service directly through your airline. To ensure availability and timely service, it is strongly recommended to make your request of in advance. Wheelchair service may also be requested from the airline at the ticket counter or curbside counters on the day of travel.
For wheelchair assistance please contact your airline.
Aer Lingus: 216-362-2998 (Huntleigh)
Air Canada: 216-362-2998 (Huntleigh)
Alaska Airlines: PrimeFlight Airport Services (216)-463-5185
American Airlines: 216-463-5185 (ABM)
Charters: 216-362-2998 (Huntleigh)
Delta Air Lines: Prospect Airport Services - (216) 243-1978
Frontier Airlines: Prospect Airport Services - (216) 243-1978
JetBlue Airways: Prospect Airport Services - (216) 243-1978
Southwest Airlines: 216-502-7804 (ABM)
Spirit Airlines: 216-362-2998 (Huntleigh)
United Airlines: 216-362-2998 (Huntleigh)
Vacation Express: 216-362-2998 (Huntleigh)
Arriving at CLE
Wheelchair assistance is available for getting from your gate to the Baggage Claim area and to the curb. Please request wheelchair assistance when making airline reservations. This will ensure that the reservation becomes part of your reservation record. Curbside loading areas for passengers and baggage are available on the Arrival/Baggage Claim Level. Please note that vehicles are not allowed to stand or wait at the curb. Unattended vehicles will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
Departing from CLE
Curbside unloading areas for passengers and baggage are available on the Departure Level. Skycaps are available to assist you in getting your baggage to the airline check-in area. If you require assistance with baggage check-in, ticketing and movement to the gate area, please request assistance when making your airline reservation to ensure the request becomes part of your reservation record. Please note that vehicles are not allowed to stand or wait at the curb. Unattended vehicles will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
Taxicab Service
CLE’s on-demand taxi fleet currently has ADA lift-equipped vehicles. Please contact Standard Parking at 216-265-7816 in advance of your arrival time to ensure they are aware of your accessibility needs.
Car Rentals
CLE has a consolidated rental car facility located off the airport grounds. Shuttle service is available for all rental car customers from the main terminal to the rental car facility. Each shuttle is equipped with accessible lifts or ramps. For travelers needing assistance, a telephone center with rental car information is located at the information counter on Baggage Claim level or contact the car rental company of your choice at one of the numbers listed within the link below:
On airport parking for passengers is available 24 hours a day including ADA designated parking spaces in all airport parking areas. Vehicles properly displaying valid permit identification may use these space
CLE Smart Parking Garage
Red Lot
Blue Lot
Orange Lot
Brown Lot
Passenger Security Screening
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is responsible for the security of airline passengers, their belongings and the aircraft. TSA’s guide to airport passenger security screening for travelers with reduced mobility and medical conditions, please visit https://www.tsa.gov/travel/passenger-support
Wheelchair Accessible & Family Restrooms
Accessible restrooms are located throughout CLE terminals. Family restrooms can accommodate travelers who require companion care assistance. Wheelchair accessible and Family restrooms can be found on the map below:
T – 2A
Arrivals/Baggage Claim
T – 12A
T – 14A
Concourse A
T – 6A
A – 4A
Concourse B
B – 4A
Concourse C
C – 4A
C – 6A
Mother’s Room
CLE Mother’s Room located in Concourse B across from gate B1. The Mother’s Room is equipped with two separate rooms and also has a common area for well-behaved children to sit and wait. Each part of the room has comfortable seating and an outlet. A sink and changing table are located in the common area of the suite.
To ensure privacy, the outside of the suite is monitored by security camera and moms wishing to enter simply dial Operations using our adjacent courtesy phone.
Passengers who are traveling with pets or service animals can now utilize the convenience of the CLE Pet Relief Area & the Service Animal Relief Area. The pet relief area is located at the Temporary Ground Transportation Center adjacent to the Smart Parking Garage. The Service Animal Relief Area is locted in between the North and Central Secuirty Checkpoints. Pet waste pickup bags and a trash receptacle are available. Owners are asked to please clean up after their pets.
Pets, including dogs and other animals, are not allowed in the terminal except for:
- An animal used by a law enforcement officer in the officer’s performance of duties
- A seeing-eye dog escorting a visually impaired person, or other animal being used for assistance to disabled person
- An animal that is being delivered to, or picked up from, an air carrier for transportation
Title VI Airport Nondiscrimination Program
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C.2000d) prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color or national origin. Title 49 of the U.S.C. section 47123, "Nondiscrimination" further prohibits recipients of FAA financial assistance from engaging in discrimination based on sex and religion. Additionally, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 6101 et seq.) prohibits discrimination against FAA program beneficiaries on the grounds of age.
Under these laws, Cleveland Airport is required to take affirmative action to ensure that there is nondiscrimination in all of its operations, including but not limited to:
- Contracting and procurement activities and programs
- Services provided by tenants, air carriers, concessionaires and fixed based operations
- Employment activities related to programs receiving Federal financial assistance
- Requirement to conspicuously display nondiscrimination posters at the airport, notifying the flying public of their rights
- Obligation to address Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Environmental Justice (EJ) in their planning and operation
- Participation as a member of a planning, advisory, or similar body which is an integral part of the program.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504 – Airport Disability Compliance Program
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. This act provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, State and local government services, and telecommunications.
In accordance with ADA/Section 504, Cleveland Airport must ensure the following:
- Meet all obligations with regard to regulatory requirements
- Travelers with disabilities have access to the activities, programs, and services that our airport provides to all travelers
- Increase awareness of accessible air travel for people with disabilities
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the ADA, Cleveland Airport System (CAS) will not discriminate against qualified individuals on the basis of disability in it services, programs or activities.
The grievance procedure has been established to meet the requirements of the ADA. It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, employment, benefits or facilities of CAS, its tenants or service providers.
The complaint should be in writing and containing information about the alleged discrimination, including name, address and phone number of Complainant, date and description of the problem. To file your grievance, you may use the ADA Complaint Form located at the bottom of this page. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint will be made available for persons with disabilities, upon request. A separate ADA Complaint Form should be filed for each alleged act of discrimination.
The complaint should be submitted by the Complainant, or his/her designee, as soon as possible but no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the alleged violation to:
Rosita Turner
Manager, Office of Compliance and Inclusion
Title VI Compliance Coordinator
Cleveland Airport System
5300 Riverside Drive
PO Box 81009
Cleveland, Ohio 44181-0009
The ADA Coordinator may also be reached by telephone at 216-265-3355 or by at rturner@clevelandairport.com
After receipt of a complaint, the ADA Coordinator will work with appropriate CAS personnel in order to investigate the complaint for resolution, which will include contacting or meeting with the Complainant. A response will be given in a timely fashion by CAS in writing, or where requested, in an alternate format.
The response will generally contain the following information:
- 1. A description of the complaint
- 2. A summary of the facts
- 3. An explanation of the CAS’s position
- 4. A summary of the resolution option(s)
- 5. The timeframe for resolving the complaint, if applicable
If the complaint is not resolved to the Complainant’s satisfaction, Complainant may request a further review of the complaint with CAS Legal Department. Complainant must file this request for further review, in writing with CAS’s Legal Department within 15 days after receipt of the response from the ADA Coordinator. Complainant must send a copy of the original complaint, the ADA Coordinator’s response and a description of the Complainant’s concerns or objections to CAS Legal Department at:
Jonathan McGory, C.M.
Assistant Director of Law
City of Cleveland
Department of Port Control
5300 Riverside Dr.
PO Box 81009
Cleveland, Ohio 44181-0009
After receipt of the appeal, CAS, Assistant Director of Law, or his designee, will contact or meet with the Complainant to discuss the complaint and the possible resolution thereof. Within 15 days of communicating with the Complainant, CAS, Assistant Director of Law or his/her designee, will respond in writing and where appropriate, in a format accessible to the Complainant, with a final resolution of the complaint.
These procedures are for complaints of discrimination, other than employment discrimination, by the Cleveland Airport System (Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Department of Port Control). The procedures apply to discrimination by airport employees, contractors, concessionaires, lessees, or tenants of the Cleveland Airport System (CAS) facilities based upon race, creed, color, national origin, or sex, including but not necessarily limited to complaints under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil rights Restoration Act of 1987. They cover any program or activity administered by CAS.
Any person who feels that he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex has the right to file a complaint with the Airport. These procedures do not deny or limit the right of a complainant to file a formal complaint with an outside agency, such as the U.S. Department of Transportation or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or to seek private legal counsel regarding discrimination.
Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discriminatory event, must be in writing, and must be delivered by one of the following:
By mail to:
Rosita Turner
Manager, Office of Compliance and Inclusion
Title VI Compliance Coordinator
Cleveland Airport System
5300 Riverside Drive
PO Box 81009
Cleveland, Ohio 44181-0009
By email to: rturner@clevelandairport.com
Complainants may also file a written complaint directly with the FAA:
By mail to:
Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Civil Rights, ACR-1 800
800 Independence Ave.
SW Washington, D.C. 20591
- 1. If a complaint is received, the Title VI Coordinator will provide written acknowledgment to the complainant within ten (10) business days.
- 2. Upon the receipt of a written complaint, the Airport will investigate and attempt an early resolution.
- 3. Within 15 days of receiving a written complaint, the Title VI Coordinator will forward a copy of the complaint to the FAA Airport Nondiscrimination Compliance Program Team, along with a statement describing all actions taken to resolve the matter and the results of such actions. The Title VI Coordinator will work with the Airport Nondiscrimination Compliance Program Team during this process.
- 4. The Title VI Coordinator will make every effort to complete discrimination complaint investigations with sixty (60) calendar days after the written complaint is received, but recognizes that some investigations may take longer. The Title VI Coordinator will document each investigation in an investigation report.
- 5. Upon completion of the investigation, the Title VI Coordinator will issue either a closure letter or a letter of finding. A closure letter summarizes the allegations and states that there was no finding of a Title VI violation and that the investigation will be closed. A letter of finding summarizes the allegations and investigation findings and explains whether any disciplinary action, additional training, or other action will occur.
- 6. If the complainant disagrees with the conclusion of the investigation, the complainant may appeal in writing to the following:
Jonathan McGory, C.M.
Assistant Director of Law
City of Cleveland
Department of Port Control
5300 Riverside Dr.
PO Box 81009
Cleveland, Ohio 44181-0009
McGory@clevelandairport.comThe written appeal, including all arguments, evidence, and documents supporting the appeal, must be received within fourteen (14) business days of the decision letter. The Asst. Director of Law will issue a final written decision in response to the appeal within thirty (30) business days. The Assistant Director of Law’s decision is final.
- 7. Copies of the complaint, summary of the investigation report, any response, and the Airport’s decision letter(s) will be sent to the FAA.