Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures

When it opened in 1925, CLE was the first municipal airport in the country. Initially, the airport served as a stop for U.S. Air Mail planes making coast-to-coast flights. It quickly grew to become a major destination for personal and commercial aircraft. CLE also led the nation in implementing new airport technology. This includes the world’s first radio-equipped air traffic control tower and the nation’s first airfield lighting system. In the 30s and 40s, the airport was a draw to anyone who was anyone in aviation, with both Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh making routine visits. Also, from 1929 until 1949, CLE was the location for the National Air Races. 

Today, CLE is Ohio’s busiest airport, serving more than 10 million passengers annually. It’s positioned within 500 miles of 43 percent of the U.S. population. And for Northeast Ohio travelers, the airport is close—just 12 miles away from downtown Cleveland. Travelers also have the option to take the rail to CLE, a connection that, when added in 1968, was another first in the country. 

CLE’s modern-day innovations focus on customer service. The new AIRMALL, FlightView Screens and communications using social media are making the airport first once again, but this time with travelers.

Passenger Volume


  Jan 2025 Dec 2024 Jan 2024 YTD 2025 YTD 2024 Jan 25 / Dec 24 Jan 25 / Jan 24 YTD 2025 / YTD 2024
Total Domestic 330,173 405,631 329,523 330,173 329,523 -18.60% 0.20% 0.20%
Total International 5,711 10,193 7,906 5,711 7,906 -43.97% -27.76% -27.76%
ENPLANED TOTAL 335,884 415,824 337,429 335,884 337,429 -19.22% -0.46% -0.46%
Total Domestic 336,982 381,585 325,833 336,982 325,833 -11.69% 3.42% 3.42%
Total International 7,092 8,695 7,371 7,092 7,371 -18.44% -3.79% -3.79%
DEPLANED TOTAL 344,074 390,280 333,204 344,074 333,204 -11.84% 3.26% 3.26%
Total Domestic 667,155 


655,356 667,155 655,356  -15.25% 1.80% 1.80%
Total International 12,803 18,888 15,277 12,803 15,277 


-16.19% -16.19%
AIRPORT TOTAL 679,958 806,104 670,633 679,958 670,633  -15.65% 1.39% 1.39%
Pounds 6,596,020 7,199,906 5,924,084 6,596,020 5,924,084 -8.39% 11.34% 11.34%
U.S. Tons 3,298 3,600 2,962 3,298 2,962      
Metric Tonnes 2,991 3,265 2,687 2,991 2,687      
Pounds 6,835,160 8,774,455 6,118,970 6,835,160 6,118,970 -22.10% 11.70% 11.70%
U.S. Tons 3,418 4,387 3,059 3,418 3,059      
Metric Tonnes 3,100 3,979 2,775 3,100 2,775      
Pounds 13,431,180 15,974,361 12,043,054 13,431,180 12,043,054 -15.92% 11.53% 11.53%
US Tons 6,716 7,987 6,022 6,716 6,022      
Metric Tonnes 6,091 7,244 5,462 6,091 5,462      
Airport Total 3,601 3,726 3,392 3,601 3,392 -3.35% 6.16% 6.16%
Airport Total 460,107 482,816 436,427 460,107 436,427 -4.70% 5.43% 5.43%


Passenger Volume Month over Month


Historic Passenger Volume

  • 2024: 10,173,861
  • 2023 9,868,868
  • 2022 8,693,866
  • 2021 7,282,475
  • 2020 4,122,517
  • 2019 10,040,817 
  • 2018 9,642,729
  • 2017 9,140,445
  • 2016 8,422,676
  • 2015 8,100,073
  • 2014 7,609,404
  • 2013 9,072,126
  • 2012 9,004,983
  • 2011 9,176,824
  • 2010 9,492,455
  • 2009 9,715,604
  • 2008 11,106,196
  • 2007 11,459,390
  • 2006 11,321,050
  • 2005 11,463,391
  • 2004 11,264,937
  • 2003 10,555,387
  • 2002 10,795,270
  • 2001 11,864,411
  • 2000 13,288,059
  • 1999 13,020,285


Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan

Cleveland Hopkins  International Airport (CLE) has instituted an Airport Emergency Contingency Plan pursuant to §42301 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012.  This act requires that passengers be permitted to deplane an aircraft that has been delayed on the tarmac for a period not to exceed three hours.  

In the event that an aircraft nears the  three hour  time limit, the airlines are required by law to deplane all passengers into the  Terminal,  and provide access to restrooms,  food  and water. Each airline is required to have an airline contingency plan on file with the Department of Transportation. The CLE Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan has been approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation and is designed to coordinate the provision of logistical support to the airlines.  Pursuant to this plan, CLE will provide a list of airlines, ground handlers, fixed base operators and others who may have the necessary equipment and personnel to safely deplane passengers to the airlines. CLE will request that common use tenant air carriers make gates available to an air carrier seeking to deplane at a gate. An alternative solution will be to hard stand the aircraft and transport passengers via bus to the terminal. CLE will provide transportation from the aircraft parking location to the terminal through contract ground transportation providers. 

A copy of the entire airport contingency plan is available here.