About the Art
August 01 – October 31, 2012
Public Gallery
It is with great pleasure that we showcase the artwork of members of the Cleveland Photographic Society (CPS) in the CLE Temporary Art Exhibition Program at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.
Arts, culture and diversity make Cleveland a great city. By displaying works of local artists, we get to share these wonderful assets and the works of these artists with an average of 30,000 passengers a day. CLE continues to enhance travelers’ experience by providing them with a glimpse of the artistic richness and cultural diversity found in our city and throughout our region.
The works of CPS members shown in this exhibit will be a reflection of what visitors traveling through Cleveland Hopkins International Airport can expect to see as they travel in and around our great city. We would like to thank the members who shared their work in this exhibit and salute the CPS as they celebrate their 125th Anniversary.
Artist Details
Alan Zelina
Alan Zelina’s interest in photography began in high school with his first camera, a Nikon F. Alan became serious about photography in college, where he learned his way around a darkroom and became photo editor of the Kent State University Chestnut Burr.
The demands of family and managing his architectural/planning business limited Alan’s time for photography. However, his interest continued until retirement provided Alan the time to explore the opportunities afforded by twenty-first century technology. Digital photography allowed Alan to expand his flexibility to instantly capture images, be a more visual thinker and to experiment with editing and fine-art printing.
Alan took classes at the Ansel Adams Studio in Yosemite, where he gained a more clear appreciation of planning and composition. Alan is inspired by Brett Weston, Minor White, Ansel Adams, Sebastiao Salgado, Monet and Van Gogh. His photographic interests varies from the beauty of nature, the grace of sailboats, and the linearity of architecture in urban settings to eclectic/abstract images having strong graphic composition. Black and white images hold a special interest for him. While he believes that minimal alteration of the original scene with limited image manipulation is important, conveying visual interpretation is of equal importance.
Kara Zollos
Kara Zollos has been fascinated with photography since childhood. She recalls taking numerous rolls of pictures with her 110 point and shoot camera. As a teenager, Kara still had the "photography bug.” In high school she took courses in photography and commercial art that led her to Virginia Marti College of Art and Design. After getting married and staying home with her four children, she found that she missed the ability to express her artistic side and decided to explore photography again. She soon found that the world of photography changed drastically and realized she had rediscovered her passion.
In 2010 Kara joined Cleveland Photographic Society and attended several of their photography courses and workshops. Since joining, she has entered and placed in several club competitions. Kara was honored when one of her photographs was selected for the Beachwood Center for the Arts Exhibit.
Joining the club has inspired Kara to push her passion further and begin a portraiture business, Studio Z Photography. Although she still enjoys shooting anything and everything, her main love is photographing people. She finds people to be truly captivating, and loves to capture the human spirit, emotion and individuality that make us all beautiful and unique.
Sonya Yost
Sonya was born June 18, 1964 in Mooresville NC. She has always been interested in photography always picking up other family members’ cameras from an early age. As soon as she was able to participate in school clubs like the annual yearbook committee, she was the photographer and yearbook layout artist. She was always at all school functions snapping pictures when you least expected.
The first camera she bought was while she was attending Rick’s College and another student was short of money and was selling his camera. He cried the entire time as he handed over his 35mm Pentax equipment, lens and cases. She also shed tears for his loss but her gain. She was very proud of that first camera and from then on, you never saw her without a camera in her hand. Everywhere she went it was always on the front seat of her car just in case she saw a nice shot and just had to stop to get it.
She was the official family photographer at all family functions like reunions, parties or new additions. She liked taking pictures of everything but especially of kids (as she called them). She had a way of having them pose and smile just right, something that the parents couldn’t get them to do. She enjoyed nature shots like bugs, spiders and eagles, still shots like beautiful flowers, sunsets, landscapes and the moon. She liked to catch people or animals having fun and enjoying life.
We know that she would be very proud that her “Windsurfer” made it to the airport. It was one of her many favorites.
Paula Umlauf
Paula Umlauf documents her personal experiences through her photography. She captures people and events as she sees them. She shares the beauty and diversity of other people in her photography. Paula sees this as creating a piece of history.
Paula also enjoys taking pictures of her daughter. When her daughter went to college her husband encouraged her to purchased her own camera and take a photography class. Paula and her Canon camera have become very good friends. Like friends, her camera is always there to support her. For more information please contact her at Exhibits@ClevelandPhoto.org.
Dennis Wert
Dennis Wert received a “Kodak Baby Brownie Special” from his grandmother for his eighth birthday in 1950. Though it was a fascinating item for many years, he did not develop a real interest in photography until 1989 when his wife gave him a 35MM film camera. Dennis photographed everything that passed the front of his lens. Now in the digital world, Dennis enjoys landscape, wildlife, architecture, auto and aviation subjects. He is honored to have photos chosen for exhibits at Cleveland State University, Cleveland Institute of Music, Beachwood Civic Center and the Cleveland Public Library.
Vicki Wert
Vicki Wert's interest in photography began more than 30 years ago when she bought her first camera, an Olympus OM-1. She became a member of the Cleveland Photographic Society two years ago. Vicki has had photos displayed at exhibitions at the North Chagrin Nature Center, the Beachwood Community Center and the Cleveland Institute of Music. She tries her hand at all types of subject matter, but particularly enjoys landscape and wildlife photography.
Louis Chaiten
Louis Chaiten, a lawyer by profession who once clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court, has been obsessed with photography since he took a summer job in college at a photo lab. While in law school, he converted a spare bathroom under his stairs into a darkroom. His photographic interest lies primarily with documentary photography, particularly of children, whom he finds much more interesting than adults. His creative inspiration comes from a number of photographers, especially Melissa Ann Pinney, best known for her highly acclaimed monographs (Regarding Emma and Girl Ascending) on family life.
Colleen Cleveland
Photography is Colleen’s passion. She developed prints in the darkroom at the age of three and later learned to shoot on medium format cameras. As a snowboard instructor and photographer she has great energy. Photography opens up the possibilities and opportunities of the world, both seen and unseen. Her love is to share this vision with others. Colleen’s photographic endeavors continue with a focus on sports, people, events, nature, and the hidden abstracts in the world. For more information please email Colleen at info@colleencleveland.com or visit her website at www.colleencleveland.com.
Donna Schneider
Donna Schneider became interested in photography at an early age at the influence of her father. She has traveled worldwide and specializes in photographing the wonders of nature, including macro photography of flowers. One of her photos was selected as the 2012 Color Nature Photograph of the Year by the Cleveland Photographic Society. She received Honorable Mention at the 2012 Niagara Frontier Region Camera Club Convention and was selected as the 3rd place winner in the People’s Choice Category. Donna also received Honorable Mention in the 2012 Orchid Mania contest and was a finalist in the People’s Choice category of the initial Plain Dealer Photography Contest. Her work has been exhibited at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland State University, North Chagrin Nature Center and Broadview Heights Community Center.
Dr. Mawele Shamaila
Dr. Mawele Shamaila is a food Scientist working for Nestle R&D in Solon, Ohio. He was born and raised in Zambia and moved to Canada in 1982. Mawele came to the United States in 1998. He started photography in 2008 and took classes with Cleveland Photographic Society when he became a member. Mawele has improved his photographic skills by entering many competitions and just having great passion for photography. For more information, please visit his website www.mawele.smugmug.com
Ron Skinner
Ron Skinner is a photographer from Cleveland, Ohio who enjoys all types of photography. Ron became interested in photography while stationed in Bangkok, Thailand with the United States Army in the 1970's. He is a member of the Cleveland Photographic Society and the Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society. More information on Ron's photography can be seen on his website, "Digital Images by Ron Skinner" at www.RonSkinnerPhotography.com
Jeremy Fear
Jeremy Fear has been fascinated with photography since seeing a flash bulb explode. From that bright little explosion to the ratcheting film advance lever to the anticipation of seeing the results a week or more later. Everything photography has always been Jeremy’s passion. If Jeremy has a camera in hand, anything and everything will be photographed, much to the chagrin of his many friends and family. When presented with the news of impending fatherhood, Jeremy decided to get more serious about his photography. He invested in a better camera, some photography lessons, and joined the Cleveland Photographic Society. Since the birth of his daughter, he has taken so many photos of his daughter he’s sure she believes the camera is a permanent extension of his body. Aside from taking photos of his daughter Jeremy has not settled on a favorite subject matter – he prefers to keep an open mind. His work ranges from his wife, to macro photography, landscapes, creative perspective and anything else that finds itself in front of his lens. More of Jeremy’s work can be found at: www.flickr.com/FearFotography and www.facebook.com/FearFotography
Jim Frazer
Jim Frazer’s interest in photography started when while working at Eastman Kodak from 1967 to 1978. He took photography classes and made use of Kodak’s Camera Club. Jim loves making black and white prints working in the club’s darkrooms. Over his working years, Jim traveled on business to several countries in Europe with his camera at his side.
Jim retired and joined Cleveland Photographic Society (CPS) in December, 2007. He currently serves as a board member and coordinator of the CPS Community Service Program which provides pro bono photography services to nonprofit organizations in Greater Cleveland. He has received awards for this program from the Photographic Society of America. He also received the Friends of Education Award from the Ohio School Public Relations Association. Jim has exhibited at the Cleveland Institute of Music, the Plain Dealer, Grumpy’s Café in Tremont and Eddie’s Pizzeria Cerino in Seven Hills. He has worked with Famicos Foundation to provide photography for the renovation of Doan School Apartments. During the renovation process, photos were taken every two to three months. The finished photographs were on display at the Doan School Apartments Ribbon Cutting this past June.
Jeffrey Gibson
Jeffrey Gibson started photography about twelve years ago when he was a cross country coach at the high school where he taught. He had a simple point and shoot camera at the time and would take photos of kids running in the meets and posting them on the school’s cross country web site. Jeffrey started experimenting with the photos and soon realized he needed an SLR camera. He got interested in nature photography and joined several camera clubs and took some workshops. Next he took several online classes. From that point, his photography just evolved. Jeffrey’s photographs were displayed in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park calendar. In 2010 he won first place in the Ansel Adams Gallery Photo contest, an international contest in which photographers from all over the world submitted photos. Several of his photos have been displayed at the Cleveland Institute of Music. He currently has two separate photos being used by the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the Akron Aeros baseball team as featured photos on their web sites. His main photographic interests are scenic nature and macro photography. He also enjoys photographing people as they carry out their daily activities. Jeffrey’s photographs can be found at various arts and crafts shows and on his website at www.crookedriverimages.com.
Shelly Hansel
Shelly Hansel purchased her first camera (the kind one looks down into to snap a picture) at a neighborhood garage sale when she was 7. However, only in the last 6 years, has she begun to work with the art of photography. Born, raised, and continuing to live ten minutes from downtown, Shelly's favorite photographic subject is Cleveland. Her photographs have appeared in various local exhibits including the Cleveland State University Art Gallery, Cleveland Institute of Music, Brecksville Bicentennial Art Walk, North Chagrin Reservation of Cleveland Metroparks, and Cleveland Hopkins Airport's "Ring of Green" and "A Hidden Gem" exhibits. Shelly shares her pride in her hometown through the lens and loves to discover that others also see the beauty she sees in Cleveland, its people, and the surrounding area. Her work can be found at www.ShellyHanselPhotography.com. Shelly Hansel is a high school special education and English teacher who shares her photography with her students and lives with her photo-tolerant canine, Leo.
Dan Sandy
Dan Sandy was inspired at a young age by his older brother. He has had a passion for photography for the better part of two decades. It was only about 8 years ago that Dan started taking photography more seriously. Nature is by far his favorite subject. He spends most of his time volunteering at the Cleveland Animal Protective League as a cat photographer. Dan’s cat photos have graced the pages of the Cleveland Animal Protective League’s literature, as well as in print in the Plain Dealer several times over the past few years. Even though photography is considered his hobby, Dan has done a little commercial photography for a few golf courses, and other small businesses in the area. Dan has won several awards and contests at the Cleveland Photographic Society, including Photo of the Year in 2011. He’s not certain what the future holds, but he looks forward to capturing it through the lens of his camera.
William Schmitz
William Schmitz. A few classes at a community college got William started in a very amateur capacity. At that time, there was only film, along with developing solutions, printing with enlargers, chemicals and drying. Before long came the demands of raising children and the loss of personal pursuits. When the familiar tasks were accomplished the hobby returned, but the film, darkroom, and chemicals were gone. He returned to a world of digital photography. Same concepts, but much more forgiving. Mistakes are now easily erased without the effort of developing and printing. Lessons with the Cleveland Photographic Society were essential with using the new technology. Despite the changes, there still remains only one way to learn to see and take presentable photographs - being in the right place at the right time, and having the wisdom that is acquired from the disappointment of taking 10,000 bad pictures.
Kolman Rosenberg
Kolman Rosenberg is a freelance editorial, documentary, fine art photographer and owner of Kolman Rosenberg Photography. He resides and works in Mentor, Ohio and has exhibited and won many awards for his photography. Kolman has had his work published in a number of books, magazines and television. Kolman also teaches photography classes at the Cleveland Photographic Society where he served as the Director of their Fundamentals of Good Photography School. He also teaches classes at the Mentor, Ohio Dodd Cameras store. More of Kolman’s images can be seen on his website, www.kolmanphotos.com . He also publishes a regular blog at, www.photographyunposed.wordpress.com.
Carol Sahley
Carol Sahley is an avid photographer who combines life on a farm in Ohio with a career in the international development field. Her primary passion as a photographer is capturing the distinctive personalities of her many farm animals. Her interests also include travel, nature and macro photography. Her work can be seen at www.krop.com/goatpixel.
Jackie Sajewski
Jackie Sajewski Jackie's interest in photography was sparked in 2008 by her husband's Christmas gift of a DSLR Canon xTi. In the Spring of 2009 she studied digital photography and processing under the tutelage of Art Becker and Ellen Anon at the Erie Art Museum in Erie, Pennsylvania. Their work inspired her to find creative ways to capture life’s moments. Following the death of her husband in 2010, Jackie relocated to Mentor, Ohio, and has since become an active member in the Cleveland Photographic Society and Western Reserve Photographic Society. Jackie’s works have been shown at the Beachwood Arts Council Exhibit, Cleveland Library, Gannon University Gallery in Erie, Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie, Pennsylvania and Glass Grows Gallery in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Hubert Ho
Hubert Ho joined Cleveland Photographic Society (CPS) in 2007 and became seriously interested in photography. His main interest is in the area of Nature Photography. He particularly enjoys applying Photoshop skills to enhance or manipulate images to create special effects. His works have been selected in CPS displays at Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland State University Art Gallery, and other venues.
Ray Humphries
Ray Humphries, is an amateur photographer. He has dabbled in photography for years and taught himself what little he knows about film photography. When he discovered the Cleveland Photographic Society and started taking classes, he was able to expand his interests in photography.
Ray originally took CPS photography classes to learn how to retouch and preserve old family photos. He enjoys the people that he has met and learned about through his photography. He volunteers his time at school functions involving students with special needs in his community.
Brooke Immel
Brooke Immel took the fundamentals of photography class at Cleveland Photographic Society (CPS) in February 2011, when she became a member. Her exhibits include "Summer Sisters" in a Broadview Heights display and "Bouquet for Mommy" in the Cleveland Institute of Music exhibit. She enjoys photographing her two daughters, ages four and five.
Noelle Kocian
Noelle Kocian was born and raised in Northeast Ohio and has become a true Clevelander. She loves this city for the grit, the growing art scene, for the heart of its people and for its potential on the brink of realization. Her passion for Cleveland informs her work. Noelle focuses on anything metropolitan, from cityscapes to urban decay. She also loves to capture people in a fleeting second while carrying out the infinitesimal daily activities of life. Recently, she has become active in photographing marathons and triathlons, as a spectator and new participant in the area's running community. Noelle also pulls her inspiration from a variety of textures, both synthetic and those found in nature. To see more of her work, please view her website at www.noellereedphotography.com.
Richard Kopchock
Richard Kopchock lives in Lakewood, Ohio. His passion is photography and the beauty it provides to life. Richard views the world through a lens trying to capture moments in time and memories. His interests are all the world has to offer and includes landscapes, nature, macro and street. Richard also uses film and legacy lens for a different perspective. He began taking photographs at the age of 8 with his parents’ Argus twin lens reflex camera and has studied the art ever since. Richard’s work can be viewed on Facebook at his page-Manic lens photography. Richard strives to grow and evolve in the craft and its endless opportunities. More of Richard’s work can be found at www.maniclens.com.
Daniel Kozminski
Daniel Kozminski developed an interest in photography in his early 20s, when he was in the US Navy. Dan shot mostly slide film back then, for its ease to develop. Later, while raising his children, photography had to be set aside. He did not start getting serious about photography again until 10 years ago.
Dan enjoys taking pictures of landscapes, animals and people. His work has been exhibited by the Cleveland Institute of Music, the Cleveland Public Library, the Beachwood Arts Council, Broadview Heights City Hall, the CSU Art Gallery, the North Chagrin Reservation of the Cleveland MetroParks and Grumpy’s Café in Tremont. Dan has also had photos published in Digital Photography Techniques magazine.
Debbie Rankin
Debbie Rankin. For many years Debbie watched her husband Michael compose and take photographs. Often she would ask Michael to take pictures of random subjects, until he handed her the camera and said, “take your own pictures!” After completing a photography class, Debbie and her husband worked together to get a better understanding of composition and they begin to develop a “photographer’s eye”. Debbie placed third in a Cleveland Photographic Society photo competition.
Michael Rankin
Michael Rankin’s interest in photography began in1978. Since then his interest has evolved into a passion. As a "car guy" his primary photography interests were classic automobiles and muscle cars. Michael has now grown to enjoy photographing other subject matter that allows him to express his creativity. Michael has been acknowledged by his peers at the Cleveland Photographic Society in their yearly photo competitions. While visiting Twin Falls, Idaho he was asked to be the featured artist at the city’s local arts and crafts show. Michael won first place in his class at the Twin Falls County Fair. More of his work may be seen at the following web sites. www.mgrankin.smugmug.com www.500pix.com and www.graphicsexpress.com
Bill Rittman
Bill Rittman has enjoyed photography since he was a child. He did not become serious with this particular art form until he retired. Bill is a member of the Cleveland Photographic Society and has taken a course in fundamentals of photography. He has also had the opportunity to discuss both techniques and composition with many members. This has improved the quality of his images immensely. Since his retirement, Bill has had opportunities to travel and experiment with this art form. He recommends photography as a way to learn and enjoy life.
Bogdan Pieniak
Bogdan Pieniak interest in photography began over 40 years ago when he set up his first darkroom while serving in the U.S. Navy in Philadelphia. His pursuit of a fine art career was interrupted when called to serve his country. Paint and pencils were set aside when he bought his first 35mm camera. His black and white photographs of his family soon brought him commissions to do portraits of Navy families and portrait photography became a thriving part-time occupation. After leaving the Navy, Don put his darkroom equipment away and moved back to Cleveland where he became involved in the Ceramics Industry, which fulfilled his creative and artistic bent. In the early 90's his interest in photography resumed when he discovered film scanners and Photoshop. In 1999, he immersed himself in photography in earnest when he won his first digital camera by submitting to an online photography contest. Around this time he became the Administrator of St. Stanislaus Church in Slavic Village area of Cleveland, which gave him a rich, unlimited and beautiful subject to photograph. His photographs of the Church and Church events have been published in numerous periodicals, calendars, and books and led to many commissions and assignments. Don likes all facets of photography and his photographs have won many awards and recognition including 2 Best of Shows Awards in the annual Cuyahoga Valley National Park Photo exhibit.
Joe Polevoi
Joe Polevoi was born in 1928 in Akron, Ohio. He graduated from the Akron Art Institute Professional School, with a BFA in 1951. He was in the U.S. Army during the Korean War where he served as an illustrator. Following that, he moved to Cleveland, to begin doing advertising art for the Cleveland Press. He left the Press to take a position at Ohio Bell/Ameritech as Art Director in Public Relations. Joe was president of both the Cleveland Society of Communicating Arts and the Cleveland Chapter of American Institute of Graphic Arts. After his retirement in 1986, Joe began to experiment with computer graphics and digital photography. He eventually added Kaleidoscope photography techniques to his work. This led him to exhibit his unique photo/art illustrations and to give talks at over 300 locations in the United States. These talks were titled “Take a Fresh Look at Our World” and showed the creativity that he “sees” in his photographic imagery. In this visual era, Joe believes that our lives can be greatly enriched by making more use of the imagination that we all have no matter what our age.
Charmane Lucsik
Charmane Lucsik is a novice photographer and an avid gardener. Flowers were her main reason for taking up photography. Her favorite subjects are irises, orchids and day lilies. However, her first competition earned her second and third place for two owl images she took with her brand new camera for the "Back to the Wild" bird sanctuary in Castilla, Ohio. Charmane’s work has been exhibited at the Cleveland Institute of Music and a private showing at Skyview Lodge. She has been an active member of the Cleveland Photographic Society for 3 years
Steve Lucsik
Steve Lucsik has been an avid photographer since high school. The hobby became a very serious endeavor eleven years ago after Steve retired.
Steve enjoys capturing clues from life’s mysteries and sharing them in photographs he’s processed and printed without photoshop manipulation. Steve’s images have been recognized by Numerous County Fair Awards, Cleveland Photographic Society, numerous placements in Pictorial, Nature, Creative, Projection and People Competitions. Other exhibits include Beachwood Gallery, Cleveland Institute of Music, Broadview Heights Gallery, Cleveland Public Library.
Bel Martins-Vaccaro
Bel Martins-Vaccaro is a Brazilian born photographer and Brazilian writer. Mainly interested in nature, her passion and approach in photography grew to a wide range of subjects between still life, to weddings, to close up, landscape, and photojournalism. Becoming an eclectic photographer, her straight forward style is to register places and people in their most natural behavior and habitat. In more recent times, studio is among her photographic work. She finds it a rewarding challenge to have control over light. Her work has been published in books, calendars, and brochures. Her photographs include placement in art exhibits around Cleveland. Writing on Brazilian culture, she is a contributor to Brazil Explore Magazine and Brazilian Pacific Times. She is also an instructor in Portuguese Language
Kathleen Nelson
Kathleen Nelson took her first class in beginning photography at the Cleveland Photographic Society in 2001, using a Pentax film camera. The transition from film to digital was exciting and she loves her current digital cameras (Canon 5D Mark II and Canon 60D). Kathleen has taken many photography courses and workshops throughout the United States led by world-renowned photographers such as Bryan Peterson, Brenda Tharp, Nancy Rotenberg, Alain Briot, Jim Zuckerman and Tony Sweet. She continues to keep up with the many new photography and post-processing trends. Photography hasn't come easy to Kathleen. It will continue to be a learning experience and a challenge for her as long as she can hold her camera and see her subjects. Her favorite subjects are her 10 grandchildren (ages 10 months to 9 years). She also enjoys photographing nature, gardens, landscapes, architecture, people and lifestyles. Kathleen also sells stock images through Alamy and Acclaim Images. Her images have appeared in various textbooks, newspapers and calendars. Kathleen is particularly proud of her images in David Busch's book, Digital Photography Bucket List 100 Great Digital Photos You Must Take Before You Die. One of Kathleen’s images appeared in National Geographic's 2012 Owl Calendar for the month of June.
Robert C. Niederriter
Robert C. Niederriter is a semi-retired 59 year old. He was raised in Parma Heights and currently resides in Lakewood, Ohio. He became interested in photography about five years ago and has been seriously pursuing it for the past two years. That’s when he became a member of Cleveland Photographic Society. Bob fell in love with digital photography because there are virtually no limits to what one can do artistically through the camera or the computer.
Bob’s interest lies in the historical aspects of Cleveland as he is always looking for landmarks that he has yet to photograph. His particular interests include, but are not limited to, older churches, cemeteries, nature, people and children.
Bob’s works have been shown at Keyhole Gallery, Wall-Eye Gallery, The Root Café, Pilgrim UCC Church in Tremont, The Cleveland Institute of Music and The Chagrin Valley Nature Center. Several of his works have achieved recognition at CPS events.
Susan Onysko
Susan Onysko’s journey into photography started, as with many, with the birth of her first child. In 2005 she got bit by the travel bug, combined the two and the rest is history. When she is closer to home she enjoys photographing weddings, quinceañeras, families, seniors, pregnancies, and babies.
Susan has been recognized both locally and nationally for her travel images. She was fortunate enough to have visited many countries capturing the images that evoked the essence of each destination. She hopes that her final images show the painstaking attention to detail that she puts into making and editing the photos. Susan’s goal is to create simple, classic, timeless images that can appeal to everyone.
Susan shoots with a Nikon D4, D800 and a variety of Nikon lenses. She is an active member of the Akron Camera Club, Cleveland Photographic Society, and the Midwest Photography Enthusiasts Group. Her photos have appeared in Popular Photography Magazine, Cat Fancy and countless local publications. She currently lives in Hudson, Ohio with her husband John and four children: Neva, Devin, Olivia, and Sophia. For more information please visit www.susanonyskophoto.com.
Barbara Pennington
Barbara Pennington. From the time Barbara picked up her mother’s Kodak box camera at the age of ten, she was drawn to the magic of the lens. Over the next 50 years, the desire to explore photography has always been there. Many years later, Barbara was introduced to the mysterious digital camera. From the time the images appeared on her computer screen, she was hooked. Now, eight years later photography has become a part of her everyday life. Barbara’s Nikon does not discriminate with regard to age, gender, ethnicity, physical condition, or neighborhood. Photography is her path to capture, explore, record, surprise, friend and gift. It has been an exciting adventure for her. Barbara’s specialty is People/Portraits. Her works have been on exhibit with the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Beachwood Community Center, Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland State University, The Gathering Place, Solon Center for the Arts, Beck Center, Cuyahoga Valley Happy Days Visitors Center, Key Bank, Canton Jewish Community Center, Joseph Saxton Gallery, Mandel Jewish Community Center, Akron Museum of Art (Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society Display), Pizzeria Cerino.